Remeis prodigiosos- Prodigious remedies (2016)

El estreno tuvo lugar el 2 de agosto de 2016 en la localidad de Lecco, a orillas del lago Como, dentro del Festival «Musica Insieme» de Italia.
Se volvió a interpretar el 4 de agosto de 2016 en el claustro del monasterio de Badia a Ruoti (Bucine), dentro del festival Terre d´ Arezzo de Italia.
Ambas interpretaciones corrieron a cargo del trío formado por el flautista Francesco Mannis, la pianista Elena Aguilar y la guitarrista Ana Archilés.

The premiere took place on August 2, 2016 in the town of Lecco, on the shores of Lake Como, within the Festival «Music Insieme» of Italy.
It was reinterpreted on August 4, 2016 in the cloister of the monastery of Badia a Ruoti (Bucine), within the Terre d’ Arezzo festival in Italy.
Both performances were in charge of the trio formed by the flute player Francesco Mannis, the pianist Elena Aguilar and the guitarist Ana Archilés.


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